Minor mysteries with an affected complexity. Entertaining in a shallow way.
I do not like Nick Charles. He is pretentious, smug, and a social climber. His wife, Nora was probably as hysterical and neurotic as she was naive. He succeeded by virtue of being a one-eyed man in in the kingdom of the blind (New York's rich, sheltered white people.
The first thing I feel is the hot breath on my left calf. That's when and how I know that something bad is about to happen.You see the dog didn't bark, it rushed at (me first) and that soft grass silenced the sound of it's paws. The next thing I felt was the teeth. They didn't cut into my flesh on the first bite, the tore into my pants and I panicked. Jacob swung the flashlight down and we see the fur glistening. At first I couldn't figure out what it was. I all I saw was this dark brown hairy mass getting it's footing and twisting itself to come in for that next bite. I thought about every kind of biting mammal, rabies, death, limb-loss in that first micro-second. More
Tags: dog, dogs, bite, rabies, attack, pain, suffering
To be a writer it is essential to have a disconnect with reality, meaning the present, meaning the status quo. The picture that comes to me is of a man sitting apart from a group. Picture party on a winter day, it's snowing and everybody has eaten, and is cheerful and cozy. But the writer is not subject to the moods of the group. He sits by himself and wonder if this is all as good as everybody is making it out to be.
Tags: writer, writing, isolation, writers, write
It helps to be lonely when you write. You have all of that frustration and pain inside you and it fuels your imagination, it stirs up these deep longings inside you that bring the words and the pictures to mind.
Your mind has no contact with the day-to-day life, most of what gives you pleasure is in the mind. You have time to think, obsess, to ponder, to meditate. There are no obligations, no needs to fulfill in anybody else's life. You are there to write and nothing else.
Tags: writing, writer, write, loneliness
Most people here are like people everywhere else. If you have money you go into a bookstore to pose, to look like you are at least somewhat educated, not to get books, not to become really educated. You then go home and watch American Idol or whichever TV show is popular now.
Most people here don't know anything but what it takes to make it through a day, they don't know why that day is the way it is. Education comes from watching yor friends, from gossip, from TV, from the radio shows, not from any real seeking of deep knowledge.
This is what makes writing hard, finding the readers.
Tags: writing, writer, writes, writers, writer's
You can't be like everybody else if you want to write. By "write", I mean to write in any way that is meaningful. There is very little in life worth writing about that isn't about death or love, and if you have experienced enough in either of these you won't be like everybody else anyway.
You have to know what it is to sit in the darkness. Life moves forward like a bullt, the only thing you can do is hold on and wait for the moment of impact. Wait to crash into something...
To write objectively about anything you need distance, you need to be objective. I'm not saying you need to move away from home to write well, but it helps to put distance between you and what you are writing about. That's kind of what I had in mind when I came here. You need to see everything from somewhere new, find out if your ideas had more to do with you reacting to your original circumstances than with truth. That's what we do, what other reason is there. We see dead people.
A new environment provides things to compare your old world to, it can give you adventures that were just not possible before. Things that I have been exposed to in SC just weren't possible on a small island.
Tags: write, writer, writing, writers, write
3 NYC cops shot in friendly fire incident
NEW YORK (AP) — Three police officers were accidentally shot Sunday as one or more officers took aim at a pit bull attacking a member of their crew, police said. All were in stable condition.
The three officers suffered minor graze wounds and a fourth was bitten, said police Officer Doris Garcia.
"Basically, imagine a Radiohead album with all the music removed and replaced by irritating, ticking bullshit.
Oh, silly me, that’s what the last three and a half Radiohead albums have sounded like anyway. How about this: imagine that Radiohead had all their musical instruments stolen and yet were contractually obligated to deliver an album in one hour."
Somethingawful.com on Thom Yorke's album
Tags: radiohead, Thom, Yorke, music, CD, album, OK, Computer
What you have to understand is that pretty much everybody under the age of, say, 30, can be classified as an airhead...yes, there are exceptions, the exceptions-prove-the-rule kind of exceptions. Read myspace profiles by age and you will see what I mean.
Tags: ageist, youth, airhead, dumbass, stupid, bloggers, blogging
Why the fuck does anyone actually read blogs that aren't by their friends? Even that is a kind of hypocritical wash-your-back-you-wash-mine kind of thing. There is no point to blogging really unless somebody actually knows what they're talking about and is saying something interesting.
The whole idea for most people is to say, to pretend that they have a real website. It is, or was at one point, a status symbol. Now it's something for little kids to pretend with. It's become a toy. Nothing wrong with language as a learning too, obviously, but there's more to this medium than that.
Tags: blogs, blogging, bloggers, blog, boring, kids, writing, writer