The Dead Man's Revenge, Live from Charleston SC
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Munich - A Movie Review
Israel goes on a global manhunt for the planners of the Munich hostage thingy, where Israeli athletes were murdered. This time it’s motherfucking personal.

I miss the days when a nation’s government do something so hopelessly dramatic and wildly impractical as embark on a mission of Bible-style revenge. Yup, those were the good old days.

I don’t think Israel was looking for justice, which is a good thing since justice is mythical in any sense, but more so in the international sense. There is no such thing as justice on the global scale. Israel was looking to purge, to rid themselves of the feeling helpless with a symbolic ass-kicking. This was revenge pure and simple, and there is something good in that. In the honesty of the feelings anyway. A little bloodshed is good for the soul.

Good-looking guys are seldom really good actors. Something about being admired, I think. Low self-esteem is good for the actor’s soul. Anyway, Eric Bana is tolerable but bland. Everybody is pretty good, but bland. Spielberg is the star of this movie, and yet nothing carries the emotional kick it should, the flashbacks to the murders of the hostages feel like so much manipulative gimmickry. The action scenes are graphic and good. There is a lot of thrusting sex and a little nudity, but nothing that will stick in your head, Quentin Tarantino and David Fincher are better at that shit. Basically, this is mediocre Spielberg, still great, but kind of not at the same time. James Cameron should have made this movie.

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